Coastal Sages defy the east wind

Otis Daniels
The Coastal Sages held their monthly get together on Sunday 23 June.

The competition was postponed from Sunday 16 June due to the adverse east wind conditions forecast. However, it would appear that the wind had other ideas and was determined to dampen the golfing spirits.

A field of 25 senior golfers tee’d it up on Sunday morning in support of the long time 10 consecutive years sponsor Dr. Silvio Suardi. Weather conditions played along for the first nine until the wind started to sink its teeth in at the turn giving the senior golfers a run for their money on their back nine holes.

As always, with Sages, the camaraderie was tops and everyone returned home a winner. There were no two-clubs recorded. Nearest to the pin prizes went to Dean Kock on Number 3 and Steven Pell on Number 12. We had a count out on 34 points to determine the overall winner with Mark Jacobs emerging victorious over George Murasiki (Mark being the eldest of the two). Dean Kock took the third spot with 32 points with a tie for the fourth place on 31 points ( in seniority) Tienie van Rensburg; Tony Boesch and Chris Magson.