Karibib chess tournament a success

More players needed to grow the game
More than 50 chess players competed for top honours in the Karibib chess championship over the weekend.
The 2023 Karibib Open Chess Tournament took place in the town on Saturday, with a total of 53 participants taking part in the tournament for top honours.

The tournament was hosted by the Coastal Chess Championships in conjunction with the Namibia Chess Federation.

Speaking after the event, the Zone 4 Erongo Region chairperson, Israel Shilongo, said the attendance was good compared to the year 2021.

"We are very thankful to Staboo Trading, who made the event a success with a sponsorship worth N$2 400 in cash prizes. We further urge more people to take up chess, and there are great benefits," he added.

The winners of the Karibib Open are as follows:

1. Tawanda Kawani (1st place)

2. CM McLean Handjaba (2nd place)

3. Israel Shilongo (3rd place)

4. Annalese Brown (best woman)

5. Amelia Brown (best junior)

6. Ethan Innes (best cadet)

7. Joel Uushona (best local)